
Android Development Project

Project Description

Codepath: Introduction to Android Development is a comprehensive course aimed at providing learners with foundational skills in Android app development. Throughout the course, participants will explore essential topics through a series of mini units. These units include mastering the RecyclerView for efficient data display, understanding core components such as activities and fragments, and gaining proficiency in XML for designing user interfaces. Each unit features hands-on coding exercises and guided projects to reinforce learning. By completing this project, participants will have the fundamental knowledge and confidence to embark on their own Android app development journeys.

Units 1-6

Unit 1
Hello, Squirrel!
Unit 2
Kotlin Debug-a-thon
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 5
Choose Your Own Adventure API
Unit 6
CYOAPI Part 2: RecyclerView Edition
Unit 1
Welcome to your first project! ๐ŸŽ‰ In this project, we'll be covering the very first program all engineers are introduced to: "Hello, World!", to introduce ourselves to the neighborhood squirrel ๐Ÿฟ. We'll become familiar with the process of cloning a starter application from a GitHub repository, creating an emulator, modifying the cloned application, and committing / pushing our changes to our very own repository.
Unit 1 Learning
  • Clone a git repository
  • Create an emulator
  • Run a project using an emulator
  • Make changes to an application
  • Publish changes to GitHub repository
Unit 2
You should now be more familiar with the Kotlin programming language and its syntax. Next up, it's time to see some real Kotlin Android code in action. For this week's project, we'll be working to debug and fix a broken app by modifying Kotlin code! ๐Ÿš€
Unit 2 Learning
  • Understand basic Kotlin syntax (variables, functions, classes)
  • Debug basic errors in Android Studio
  • Refactor Kotlin code
Unit 3
In this week's lab, you dove into Android Layout design by duplicating the Spotify login page. Now it's time to hone those layout-designing skills... by designing a layout for an Animals Only version of a real app. You can pick any app and animal you want. Choose your favorite app and animal, or make a good pun!
Unit 3 Learning
  • Create your own Android app Layouts from scratch
  • Use ConstraintLayout, TextView, and ImageView
  • Use ConstraintLayout, TextView, and ImageView
Unit 4
In this project, you get to choose what you want to build! Put on your thinking cap! ๐Ÿงข The goal for this project is to create an app that performs a calculation. A calculation is anything that takes input, then gives output that changes based on the input.
Unit 4 Learning
  • Create a simple utility app on your own!
  • Understand how to handle user interaction
  • Understand how to process user input
Unit 5
Aww yeah, we can connect our apps to the internet now! For this project, you'll flex these skills by choosing your own API and display the information in your app. Choose an REST API (make sure it's free!) and integrate it into your project.
Unit 5 Learning
  • Choose an API and read its documentation
  • Examine and parse the JSON response
  • Examine and parse the JSON response
Unit 6
Now that we have become more familiar with the RecyclerView and know how to make network requests, let's combine that knowledge and do something fun! ๐Ÿฅณ Last week, we made an app that let us get one element at a time from an API. Now, let's get them all and display them in a scrollable list! You have two options for this project: Modify your Project 5 app or Create a new app with a different API
Unit 6 Learning
  • Continue working with API requests and data
  • Implement a RecyclerView to show a scrolling list of data
  • Connect the RecyclerView with API request data