My Projects

Computer Science

What are these projects?

These projects represent a diverse spectrum of innovation and collaboration, each one contributing a unique narrative to the ever-evolving landscape of modern design and engineering. From concept to execution, each project embodies a unique blend of creativity, technology, and purpose, pushing the boundaries of what is possible. They showcase the boundless possibilities of modern design and engineering, illustrating the incredible potential that arises when imagination meets technical prowess. Through the seamless integration of various disciplines and the collaborative efforts of talented individuals, these projects not only solve problems but also inspire new ways of thinking and doing, highlighting the transformative power of innovation in our world.

Girl You Matter

Aug 2023 - June 2024

Built and maintained multiple versions (V1, V2, and V3) of a website for a non-profit organization that supports girls transitioning from middle school to high school.

ACM Projects

Jan 2024 - April 2024

Semester long project building a mobile app called ExpertEvents using Flutter for frontend and Firebase for backend

UT Design EPICS 2023

Jan 2024 - April 2024

Semester long project building a soccer robot livestream as well as working with the engineering team to build 2 robots that users can play

Intro to Android App Development 101

Jan 2024 - April 2024

Semester long course that contained multiple units of android development and small mini-projects along the way

Personal Porfolio Website

April 2024 - June 2024

A personal website that contains all projects, about me and a place to show off my skills using HTML, CSS and JavaScript
